Thursday, November 29, 2012

Our Son & His Friend

Here's a pic of Hudson with his favorite character,  Xiǎo Huī Huī. After searching several cities we finally found this doll in a Guangzhou toy store. He was very happy:)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


We shopped for porcelain today and found some really special pieces.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ni Hao!

Surprise, a few hours after we landed our son met us at the hotel.
God has blessed us with another son and he is here!

A Brief Look

First, an overnight stay in Beijing.

 Beautiful view from the sky.
 Brian with Jackie Chan.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

CAn I get an amen!!!

We got our CA confirmed for 12/5. That means we plan to leave 11/23 and Gotcha Day on 11/26. more stocking to hang up this year:)


God, You Are amazing and we continue to be humbled by your gift of another miraculous son!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Invalid Loyalty

I was scanning in my shopper card before I purchased gas and a strange message popped up on the screen

Invalid Loyalty

What?! I scanned my card again and this time it went through. Still the words Invalid Loyalty rolled around in my head as I sat in my van waiting for the gas tank to fill. Situations that have left me puzzled and times where I reluctantly obeyed a clear directive.
Times where I struggled to reconcile my heart with what my mind knew God had asked and confirmed through His Word. Most recently, seed planting in very rocky terrain. I've wrestled with God and often begged for change or perhaps a glimpse of future harvest... 

in other words, my invalid loyalty

Ouch, the sting of conviction hurts for a moment then the warmth of His reconciliation fills me. I am grateful to be known and still considered fit for service, even as I struggle with moments of invalid loyalty.