Monday, April 18, 2016

My Favorite Mile

Our family is passionate about two main things loving God while caring for the vulnerable and running. I'm really unsure of how running became our thing. It started as my thing to get away and has morphed into something far more valuable.

I am recovering from my 5th Half marathon an took my littles for a 1.10 recovery jog.

There is something precious about teaching my youngest son to run. Might be because I missed out on most of his firsts because he was 4 when we adopted him. Maybe it is because we don't have to talk much just to check form, traffic and I make sure to say encouraging type things every few minutes.

Whatever the reasons, we run. Today is my favorite 17:28 mile.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Freed by Jesus and Poncho After 20+ Years

  Jesus knew all about the struggles of my heart. Those I admitted and those that I refused to agree were are there. I had allowed bondage to several lifelong fears. Convincing myself that if I refused to talk or pray about them then it was just past stuff from hard places...
not anything serious like bondage.  

                                                           BUT they were are

      Over time I've shackled myself to some fears. One of the never-intended-to-resolve fears.

FEAR of Riding Horses.

     My fear of riding horses is rooted in a semi-dramatic experience. In short, at about age 12 I was nearly crushed by a horse. I resigned to never, ever, ever, ever ride a horse again. Admiring, petting and possibly owning a fuzzy mini-pony all great and totally doable. Riding an adult possible life-crushing horse. Not. Ever.


     An opportunity presented itself that I easily dismissed at first. Then again the idea crossed my mind and a third time. The Holy Spirit gently and persistently turning my heart to acknowledge the bondage that I carried for over 20 years. It was time to look at that event, acknowledge the nasty fear and be freed. 
AND allow Jesus to work.

     So, I went on a trail ride while on an adoptive/foster mom's retreat. My oldest daughter texted me a reminder that she was praying for me too. I prayed and gripped the saddle horn tightly as Jesus removed the rusted chains of those nasty fears. He reminded me as I rode I was not given a spirit of fear...not a slave to longer a slave to fear...


I am freed from the fear of riding horses by Jesus and Poncho after 20+ years!