Friday, February 24, 2012

Supplies the Balm

Dad and I are praying for you. We trust that God made your eye and knows all about your needs. Son, God keeps sending people and His own words to comfort and encourage us to keep going in this journey. I am grateful. We ask that He is also sending you people to love and care for you in Christ's name.

I wish that I had more answers, but if I did I might chicken out of this journey. I pray over your picture and marvel at the beauty of your crooked grin. We are surprised by so many things, and disappointed by the timeline that seems to be stretching farther.

I read something by J.Hudson Taylor and thought of you. One day when you're older Dad and I will tell you how these words from one Hudson, gave hope to us about you, precious Hudson.

My son, we are trusting that our wounds are known and He will be the one that supplies the balm. 

Looking forward to your gotcha day,
Jer. 33:3

P.S. Remind me to tell you how hard your Daddy worked to use chopsticks, he can pick a few smaller things up now;)

“How incomprehensible is the love of God! His ways are indeed past finding out. How many of His providences are like the cloud between the Israelites and the Egyptians – if looked on by unbelievers, or without faith, it is a cloud of darkness; but if viewed according to the privilege of the Lord’s people, it is no longer darkness, but light and safety.
 May this be your experience; may you feel that the Hand which inflicts the wound supplies the balm, and that He who has emptied your heart has filled the void with Himself.”

Thursday, February 16, 2012

This Year of Jubilee

Seven years ago today God did the impossible and our oldest daughter was born. A much prayed for child, a miracle that could only be explained as a gift from God.

Seven months ago, despite many known and unknown "mountains" we began this surprise adoptive journey. 

Please continue to pray for Hudson, our family and this adoptive journey. And rejoice as God does the impossible, another miracle that could only be explained as a gift from God.

He has leveled each previous mountain.
Each fear covered by His peace.
He goes before, and leads another step.
Shame of the unchangeable,placed on His shoulders.
His grace proving to be enough.
Unmistakable radiance, His light in so much darkness.
His strength continues to uphold.
I rejoice in His blessing, this year of jubilee.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Life in Song

I trust that every moment's in your hands
You're the God of my days
The King of my nights
Lord of my laughter
Sovereign in sorrow
You're the Prince of my praise
The love of my life
You never leave me
You are faithful
God of my days

Words from the worship song this morning. Words, that echo truth and bring life. Thank you Pastor John Mark for bringing His words so aptly spoken.

Encouraging words, from a family at our church that I don't know (well, not yet;) sharing in video their adoptive journey and How God is so faithful.

My Prince and Savior, my God with plans of blessing and purpose for life.

His words so clear in this amazing family's adoptive journey. I hear His worship.

His joy that swells in my heart. Offering back my hands and cracking voice in worship, my words so short of the glory that He deserves.

You are faithful. God of my days and nights...and those of our son's. 

LORD continue your words of life in song.