Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sprinting through Homestudy & Necessary Road Trip

My muscles are definitely warmed up, but feeling the pain of not having stretched first before beginning this race.
Our Homestudy visits began Wednesday. It was about a 2 hour visit.

We took a road trip to get in two more visits totaling 3 out of 4 required visits. This process was a lot easier back in 2003 when we were getting licensed for foster/adopt. The questions are pretty much the same kind, but managing 4 very active bodies and trying to speak coherently can be a challenge!

We headed a few hours out of town to meet at our agency. The trip was pretty uneventful and the kiddos really enjoyed their lunch of potato chips, cookies, capri suns and an apple...I had packed yogurt for everyone...and decided that it was best to eat that while we were not in the van.

While at the agency, there was an awkward moment following an answer given by my youngest and soon to be big  sister. "No. I don't want to adopt Hudson. I don't want a brother"


Soon it was time to go, but not before we made a lasting impression:
J smashed her finger due to playing bumper cars on the spinning office chairs with her younger sister, and whimpering quietly in my lap as I gave her magic mommy smootch on her boo boo and played with her hair.

Z decided that scooting around the room in similar office chair smashing into things and people, being sure to laugh loudly and scream crazily when redirected, was boring so he decided to use more force and flip the chair...soon two kiddos were whimpering...lasting impression and possible reason not to approve our homestudy...check!

After leaving the agency visit we went to to IHOP. The kiddos were in heaven. I was just glad to be halfway done with the visits and closer to bringing home our son. We did find out the reason for the change in heart about adopting from our youngest was "I just want a sister. I don't want to be alone in my room." Relieved
(and knowing that we were trying to be approved for two children either gender) I thanked her for explaining that to me and that right now God brought us Hudson. But she could begin to ask God if He wanted us to adopt a day.  We headed to the hotel for a swim in their shallow pool to burn off pancake nirvana. It was good.

I also learned that there is truth in such phrases like, "pull out couch or inflatable air mattress", "silent drowning", "heart overflowing with thanks".

The next morning the kiddos had their individual interviews...and then we set on our way home.
Taking a necessary stop at one of my favorite landmarks, The Chek Stop...and getting some gingerbread boys and peanut brittle to reluctantly share with my family. Yumm-o!!! 

Soon, we get to wait for USCIS approval...praying hard!

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