Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Not Covered in Shame

There had been much that once haunted me. I had felt both defined and burdened by shame.
It has been incredibly freeing to live in forgiveness and having faced some difficult things.  That is not a removal of certain events, but a change in the way I view them.  I choose to forgive and to be forgiven. Living in peace...

Someone once said "Restoration comes in different ways..." I had not ever thought one day I would both have been restored and improved. Not perfected...but a work in progress.  His work. His way. His supplies;)

Does this perspective make me sound like two different people? Not hardly.

Unafraid. Unashamed. Unobstructed. Unique.
Radiant, for God as I was created to be. Sparkling much like the cut of the diamond on my finger.
Most definitely not covered in shame!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Bree! I'd love to hear the full story sometime. The Lord is in the business of restoration and renewal, and there is an exhileration in worshiping Him for His tender mercies, an exuberance that can only be found when we focus on the work HE is doing!

    Love in Christ,
